Our mission is to help other become self sufficient with the resources at hand. If you live in an apartment, have some yard, or live on a farm. We hope to encourage, inspire, and introduce new ideas! Everyone can have a green thumb. Follow us to learn more about our gardening and other farming methods!

1994 was the magical year Kevin and Cindy married! That is why you see 1994 in our username handles. With a lot of love and hard work, they raised a daughter, Haley, in leadership organizations, like 4-H and FFA.

Homesteading is a way to use the resources you have, like land or space, and producing food for your family. This is where our social media journey really started.

Learn more about our story.

Our goal is to provide content that helps you grow quality food for you and your family. We push container gardening because it is easy and takes up less space. Follow us and learn more about the farm and how we grow things to feed our family!


We plant a garden every year, twice a year. You can grow plants, too!

We have a large garden and several container gardens. We have a playlist of video to help you start your own grand, no matter big or small!


Diamond B Farm coming at you!

More content posted daily on Tik Tok.